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Pocket Tutor Obstetrics
Jodi Keane, Manda Raz, Shavi Fernando
Published: November 2019
Edition: 1/e

Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with ‘on the go’, at a highly-affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment.  

Topics reflect information needs stemming from today’s integrated undergraduate and foundation courses:

  • Common presentations
  • Investigation options (e.g. ECG, imaging)
  • Clinical and patient-orientated skills (e.g. examinations, history-taking)

The highly-structured, bite-size content helps novices combat the ‘fear factor’ associated with day-to-day clinical training and provides a detailed resource that students and junior doctors can carry in their pocket.   

Key points

  • Logical, building-block approach to content: initial chapter on the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, followed by focus on obstetric examination and managing normal pregnancy. Subsequent chapters describe specific disorders and complications
  • Disorders are accompanied by medical images, examination photos and practical artworks
  • Focuses on the conditions medical students and junior doctors are most likely to see

Author information

Jodi Keane BPhysio (Hons) MBBS (Hons) FRANZCOG
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Monash Health; Assessment Coordinator (Women’s Health), Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Manda Raz MBBS (Hons)
Resident Medical Officer, Monash Health, Victoria, Australia

Shavi Fernando MBBS (Hons) BMedSc (Hons) FRANZCOG PhD
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Monash Health; Director of Undergraduate Curriculum (Women’s Health), School of Clinical Sciences Curriculum and Assessment Lead (Women’s Health), Monash University, Victoria, Australia


Product details
ISBN: 9781909836747
Size: 177x113
Pages: 256
Number of illustrations: 80
Number of images: 0
Cover type: Paperback
Subject area: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Readership: Undergraduate medical students, junior doctors
Media/Series type: Pocket Tutor series