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Essential Clinical Examinations for Finals and MRCS
George JM Hourston, Hadyn KN Kankam
Published: December 2022
Edition: 1/e

This book is a practical revision aid for postgraduate junior doctors preparing for MRCS (Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons) examinations, as well as for undergraduate students preparing for medical finals examinations.


Presented in the style of OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) format, the book describes 35 clinical examinations divided into chapters according to organ systems, including neurological; ear, nose and throat; cardiovascular and respiratory; gastroenterology; musculoskeletal; endocrine; and urogenital. The final chapter covers miscellaneous topics.


This invaluable, unique text is authored by recognised experts based in Norfolk and Birmingham, UK.


Key points

  • Practical revision aid for candidates preparing for MRCS and medical finals examinations
  • Describes 35 clinical examinations organised according to organ systems
  • Presented in OSCE style format
  • Highly experienced, expert author team

Author information
George JM Hourston MA (Cantab) MB BChir PGCert (Med Ed) MRCS (Eng)
Core Surgical Trainee, Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Norfolk, UK

Hadyn KN Kankam 
MA (Cantab) MB BChir MRCS (Eng) NIHR
Academic Clinical Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Clinical Research Fellow Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham, UK
Product details
ISBN: 9781787791756
Size: 279x171
Pages: 216
Number of illustrations: 0
Number of images: 0
Cover type: Paperback
Subject area: Surgery
Readership: Trainees preparing for Finals and MRCS Examinations
Media/Series type: Postgrad exams